RCLS offers a complete athletic program, including soccer, cross country, volleyball, girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, softball, and track and field. The athletics program is designed to develop Christian character through team sports and to train student-athleties––spiritually, academically, and physically.
Our teams compete in the Southeast Minnesota Lutheran Athletic Conference (SEMLAC), and in some sports, against area public and non-public schools. The teams are coached by faculty members, volunteer parents, or volunteer friends of RCLS. Exhibiting Christian sportsmanship is a high priority, and student-athletes are encouraged to witness their faith with their words and actions, including hard, aggressive, and fair play.
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8
Codes of Conduct
Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
As a student-athlete at Rochester Central Lutheran School, I am responsible for my words and actions as a:
Child of Christ, I will
- Use my words and action to praise and serve my Lord and Savior
- Serve others by putting others need before your own including all teammates, coaches, officials, opponents, spectators, and the like
- Offer prayers for teammates, coaches, opponents, etc.
- Demonstrate humility in all athletic practices and contests whether winning or losing
Student, I will
- Strive to do my best in accordance the ability God has given
- Maintain passing grades in all of classes
- Finish and hand in assignments to the teacher in a timely manner.
- Have minimum absences and tardies, attend school the day of athletic activity/event.
- Respect the rights and property of others.
- Respect and obey school and community rules
- Respect those who are in authority, teachers, principal, parents, athletic director, coaching staff, etc.
- Accepting responsibility for actions and consequences that may follow
Athlete, I will
- Listen to, follow, and respect the directions of my coach;
- Support and encourage my teammates, regardless of ability;
- Demonstrate Christian character to all game officials, coaches, players, teammates, and spectators
- Display modesty in my team’s victory and graciousness in my team’s defeat
- Maintain enthusiasm and composure during events
- Handle and treat all RCLS or opposing teams equipment or property with respect
- Dress/change in locker rooms or restrooms only and not on team benches or on game fields
- Make every effort to attend all scheduled practices and games and will make sure my coach or manager knows in advance if my attendance is not possible.
- Learn and grow in my abilities in the sport
- Know, understand, and appreciate the rules of the contest.
I have read and understand
- the RCLS mission statement and values. I will work to follow through with these expectations.
- the academic eligibility expectations, and understand that failure to maintain academic excellence could result in probation or suspension for athletic activities and events.
Failure to follow the above expectations could result in disciplinary action and suspension from activity or event.
Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct
Fun and friends are the primary reasons children become student-athletes. Being involved in sports is a unique opportunity for athletes, coaches, parents, and spectators to enjoy Christian fellowship and fun. Therefore as representatives of Christ and of RCLS I will strive to:
Demonstrate Christian Character
- Display, encourage, and instill Christian character in your words and actions to all those involved
- Remember that each coach, referee, player, game worker, and spectator is a child of God person who deserves our love and respect
- Maintain self control and humility in all circumstances
- Offer prayers for all involved
- Encourage and instill that your children show respect for all other players, coaches, officials and spectators.
- Cheer all good plays, and be kind and considerate when discussing the performance of our own players, the opposing team, coaches, and all officials.
- Support the players, coaches, umpires and league officials. Spectators shall not “coach” or “officiate.”
- Strive to be knowledgeable fans; learn the strategies that our team is using and learn the rules of the game
- Abide by all RCLS handbook guidelines
Promote Academics
- Support your child academically
- Promote academics as more important than athletic endeavors
- Ensure child is in school on time the day of athletic events or activities
Be involved
- Volunteer in the athletic department specifically in areas of concessions, team managing, facilitating events, etc.
- Give timely notice to coaches when your athlete will be late or unable to attend athletic events or activities
- Inform the coach of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child.
- Be punctual in picking up and dropping off student-athletes
- Support the coach(es) in their efforts to uphold their expectations
- Encourage child to talk with coach(es) when they have any problem, complaint, or conflict
I have read and understand
- the RCLS mission statement and values of the athletic department, and I will work to follow through with these expectations.
- Matthew 18 and realize that all conflict should be dealt with in a Christian manner according to Matthew 18. All comments first to coaches in a private and constructive manner, not after athletic contests. If these conversations do not lead to a productive outcome, then bring the same concerns to the athletic director.
RCLS reserves the right to remove any parent or spectator from any athletic activity or event for violation of the above stated Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators.
Athletics Registration & Medical Release
Registration for athletic teams opens one season at a time on or about the following dates:
mid August : Cross-country, Soccer, Volleyball
late October: Basketball
late March: Softball
Registration form is posted at each respective team page.
Please note: the registration form requires parents and athletes to have read the Codes of Conduct. Those may be found above. Before beginning a registration, please read Student-Athlete Code of Conduct and Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct.
RCLS Athlete Participation on RPS High School Teams
Athletics Non-continuation Agreement
Middle-school students hoping to participate on athletic teams in Rochester Public High Schools will want to note a change to the athletics participation agreement that Rochester Public Schools has with “non-continuation” schools––RCLS and other private schools that terminate at grade 8. The new non-continuation agreement, approved this week by Rochester Public Schools, is as follows:
During the first year of the agreement 2021-2022, when a non-continuation parent/guardian registers their student for a MSHSL activities/athletics program, the student will be placed within RPS using the following criteria:
- A single student registers for a MSHSL activity: he/she will be allowed to participate in their RPS resident attendance area.
- One or more students registers for a MSHSL activity and are all in the same resident attendance area: they all will be allowed to participate in their RPS resident attendance area.
- Multiple students register for a MSHSL activity and they are from multiple RPS resident attendance areas: the following criteria will be used:
- Students will be placed at the continuation high school with the higher number of registered participants...
- ...Or students will be placed at the continuation high school with the youngest participants, if the participation numbers at multiple high schools are equal. This ensures two years of participation for these students at the same continuation high school.
If during the second academic year there has not been an activity assigned to a continuation high school in academic year one and there are new registered participants, they will be placed within RPS using the above criteria.
Athletic Handbook
Athletic Values
Christian Character: RCLS expects athletes, coaches, and spectators to practice the following:
- Service: all athletic endeavors should benefit and serve others (Mark 9:35)
- Humility: should be demonstrated by modesty in opinions of self and use of all God-given abilities and talents to glorify God (Philippians 2:3-4)
Academics: RCLS expects athletes, coaches, faculty, and parents to practice and support the priority of maintaining excellence in the classroom. (Colossians 3:17)
Athletics: RCLS expects athletes, coaches, and spectators to practice the following:
- Self-control: to maintain poise and harness emotions during stressful competitive situations on and off the playing field (1 Corinthians 9:25)
- Perseverance: to overcome trials initiated and replicated by strenuous athletic competition and remain committed to faith, family, school, and team (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Roles and Guidelines
- Expectations
- Coaches
- Conference Information
- Academic Probation/Suspension
- Participation in High School Sports
It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to show Christian character in what they say and do and maintain academic excellence. As an athlete they use their God-given ability to work with their teammates to improve their skills and have fun.
It is the coach's responsibility to show the love of Christ in their words and action, to provide a learning and supportive environment for all their athletes, and to provide an atmosphere where each player can develop his or her skill.
It is the spectators' responsibility to enjoy the game within the bounds of good sportsmanship - shining the light of Christ in all they say and do. Good spectators recognize good play and hard work from either side. Remember that each coach, referee, player, and spectator is a child of God and person who deserves our love and respect.
Are a vital part of RCLS athletics and are needed to help the athletic program run successfully and smoothly. Volunteers help with a variety of tasks including but not limited to concessions, logo wear, event and game workers, RCLS field day, donating concession items, and admissions.
It is the official's responsibility to continue to study the game so they keep up with rule changes. Official’s will do their best to be knowledgeable, fair, impartial, consistent, and attentive in all contests.
Conference Information
Academic Probation/Suspension
If academic expectations are not met in the areas of homework, classwork, and/or grades in good standing then the athlete will be considered on academic probation. In that situation, a meeting will be set to discuss academic progress that will include the student, teaching staff, parents, athletic director, and any other party deemed necessary. A probationary period will be determined. During the probationary period a student may practice, but may not participate in contests.
After probation period of one to two weeks the situation will be evaluated. If academic expectations continue to not be met, the student will be on Academic Suspension and will not be able to participate in scheduled athletic contests, events, or practices. All parties will be informed of the student’s eligibility status and progress. When the student’s grades are again at an acceptable level the student will become eligible to compete in scheduled athletic events and activities.
Participation in High School Sports
Program Policies
Education in a Christ-centered environment is the primary purpose of Rochester Central Lutheran School (RCLS). Participation in extracurricular activities must not take away from the education of the child. RCLS defines extracurricular activities as non-graded activities, presently including, but not limited to: athletics, Pop Choir, Jazz Band, yearbook, Safety Patrol, cheer-leading, drama, math team, and any special activity clubs.
Participation in extracurricular activities is limited to those students enrolled on a full-time basis at RCLS. RCLS sponsors and encourages participation in extracurricular activities as a means of providing opportunities for spiritual growth, skill development, socialization, creativity, and competitive experience. Involvement in extracurricular activities is a privilege offered to students in good standing with accompanying responsibilities and expectations.
Participants are expected to abide by all school attendance and behavior guidelines. Participants are expected to be in class and on time as scheduled. Any unexcused absence (i.e. skipping school) will result in exclusion from the next event. Students absent due to truancy, illness, or injury during the last half of the school day may not participate in contests, events, or practices that day. The office staff will provide the coaches with an unexcused absence list when necessary.
All athletes must follow code of conduct expectations including all academic expectations in order to participate in the RCLS athletics program. Missing activities, practices, or events can result in reduction of playing time dependent on coaches expectations. All eligible student-athletes will participate in contests unless an exception is shared beforehand to parents or described in the coach's philosophy.
The majority of all athletic funds are from game admission & concessions stand sales, and athletic fees. Athletic fees help cover costs of buses, uniforms, tournament & meet fees, equipment, etc. Fees do not cover hotel stays, meals, spectator admission, logo wear, or the like. Athletic funds are used to pay tournament fees, pay referees, buy physical education and athletic equipment, purchase uniforms, yearly awards, and other expenses.
Equipment and Uniforms
Every sport has different needs for equipment. Athletes should always bring all equipment to every contest. Athletes are responsible for keeping their uniform clean and damage free. Uniforms should be machine washed on delicate or hand washed. Wash jerseys and uniforms in cold water, and hang dry. Do not machine dry, iron, or bleach. This will cause damage to the fabric and printing. RCLS will not replace uniforms that are damaged, and it is the responsibility of the athlete to pay for a new uniform.
All transportation to sporting events must be arranged by the athlete’s parent/guardian. Car-pooling is suggested. Please talk with the coach if transportation is needed for your child. Buses with transport only to and from the Track and Field Day in Winona. Students are required to ride the bus to Track and Field Day, but may be transported home by their own parent/guardian. Parents must let their child’s teacher know that they are taking their child home from the contest prior to leaving the event. Students cannot ride home with anyone else other than their parent/guardian unless prior consent is given via written note or email.
Student athletes may NOT remain at school or at an athletic event unsupervised. On school days after 3pm students must be supervised by a coach, parent, or staff member. All unsupervised students will need to report to Post or Stepping Stones. After athletic events coaches and staff will wait until all athletes are picked up. It is the responsibility of parents to pick up their child(ren) on time after athletic events and activities.
Concessions is a primary means of funds for the athletic department. Concessions are typically sold during volleyball and basketball games, specifically at tournaments. Volunteers are needed to help run and maintain concessions. Parents of athletes are expected to help with concessions during the season. Donations of concession items are greatly appreciated, especially during tournament time as they offset the costs of concessions.
Communication is primarily handled through email ( Parents will be contacted via email and should check the athletic website for updated schedules and changes. Any rescheduled activities or events will be put onto the athletic website and coaches and parents will be notified via email.
Parent/Athlete/Coach (PAC) Meeting
All parents, athletes, and coaches are required to attend the PAC (parents, athletes, coaches) meeting. Information on the upcoming season will be covered by the athletic director and coaches. If parents or athletes miss the meeting they will need to meet with the athletic director and coaches prior to student(s) participating in contests.
Weather Related Scheduling
Athletic Awards and Honors
All awards will be handed out at Awards Day unless given at a specific event such as a tournament. Awards that are typically handed out on awards day are letters, RCLS field day ribbons, conference track meet ribbons, and Athlete of the Year Award.
Athletic letters are awarded to student-athletes who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in a particular sport. To receive a letter an RCLS student-athlete must meet RCLS athlete expectations (see athlete code of conduct) as well as be recommended by their coach. Lettering qualifications involve four main components: Christian character, academic excellence, effort in practices and performances, and athletic achievement.
Lettering Criteria
Christian Character
- Uses words and action to praise and serve our Lord and Savior.
- Serves others by putting others’ needs before their own including all teammates, coaches, officials, opponents, spectators, and the like.
- Demonstrates humility in all athletic practices and contests whether winning or losing.
- Demonstrates Christian sportsmanship to all game officials, coaches, players, teammates, and spectators.
Academic Excellence Qualifications
- Finishes and hands in assignments to teachers in a timely manner.
- Maintains passing grades in all of classes.
- Has minimal absences and tardies.
- Respects and obeys those who are in authority: teachers, principal, parents, athletic director, coaching staff, etc.
- Accepts responsibility for actions and consequences that may follow.
Effort in Practice and Performances
- Attends practice with minimal absences.
- Listens to, follows, and respects the directions of coaches;
- Supports and encourages teammates, regardless of ability;
- Displays modesty in team’s victory and graciousness in team’s defeat.
- Maintain enthusiasm and composure during events.
Athletic achievement qualifications start in 7th and 8th grade to letter in athletics. An athlete must participate in two sports at RCLS in order to letter as an athlete.
Robb Brunett Memorial: Athlete of the Year Award
This is the highest award given to athletes at RCLS. Robb Brunett was a Member of Holy Cross and a graduate of RCLS. He displayed Christian character, academic excellence, and great athletic ability. He was killed in a car accident at age 16, and his parents created a memorial at RCLS in his name.
Since 1990 this award has been given to a middle school boy and girl (usually an 8th grader) who displays the highest achievement in the following areas: Christ-like attitude, servant-leadership, academic excellence, citizenship, coachability, sportsmanship, and athletic achievement. Student-athletes are evaluated by teachers, coaches, and the athletic director in the following areas:
- Displays Christian character (servant-leader, humble, self-control, etc.)
- Distinguished in the classroom (academics and leadership)
- Participates in multiple sports (sportsmanship, leadership, work ethic, abilities)