7-8 Trips
While every grade, Preschool-Grade 8, enjoys field trips, students who have completed 7th and 8th grades may elect to join an extended class trip each summer.
Washington D.C. History or Florida Keys Marine Biology
After 7th and 8th grades, students may elect to enjoy an extended school trip with their peers, teachers, and parents. The destinations alternate every other year between Washington D.C. and the Florida Keys. As they have time and interest, students have the opportunity to participate in fundraising events prior to the trips.
In Key Largo, Florida, students study marine life in the classroom and in the water. This hands-on learning experience is an invaluable enrichment opportunity for RCLS middle-schoolers.
The Washington D.C. trip grants students an up-close experience with American government and history. Students visit the Smithsonian museums, the U.S. Capitol, the new Bible museum, and other monuments and landmarks in the nation's capitol.
8th-grade Camping Trip
The 8th grade camping trip is a highly anticipated class adventure. The 8th graders spend much of the school year planning the details of this annual trip. After the 8th graders graduate on the last Tuesday in May, they, their class advisor, and many parent chaperones enjoy tent camping and a water park in central Wisconsin. This beloved tradition generates much excitement and lasting memories for these students in their final days as RCLS students.