When you visit, you can't miss the joy that characterizes school life and learning at RCLS. Parents and teachers agree: "Kids love it here!"
As a Preschool-Grade 8 Christian school, RCLS is primarily concerned about shaping hearts and minds for Christ and helping children develop foundational knowledge and skills that will empower them to excel in later stages of learning. That means offering a rigorous curriculum that is grounded in a Biblical understanding of the world.
Still, we recognize that a foundation is best built and learning is best facilitated in an environment that fosters growth in the whole child. That's why, when parents and students talk about what they love about RCLS, they often talk about any number of the many aspects of our school that work together to create an extraordinarily positive school experience.
Here is a Top 10 list of Our Favorite Things about RCLS!
When you visit, you can't miss the joy that characterizes school life and learning at RCLS. Parents and teachers agree: "Kids love it here!"
Experienced, state-certified teachers who love the Lord and their students shape the remarkably affirming culture at RCLS. RCLS teachers manage to create a learning environment that challenges at the same time that it empowers. Talk to current parents or come and meet the teachers yourself: this is the best community of educators in town!
The RCLS library is a beloved space in our school. The brightly lit library has work spaces, a story-time corner, and more than 14,000 titles available for reading and research.
A Chapel Family, made up of an 8th-grade leader and a student from each class below, shapes formative relationships across the grades. Chapel Families offer a remarkable opportunity for older students to learn to serve and to lead by example, and it is a unique opportunity for younger children to develop affirming relationships with older students. To see a Chapel Family in relationship is to see the generosity of a child's heart--and to have great confidence in this generation of youth. RCLS loves its Chapel Families!
RCLS has one of the more sophisticated technology programs in Rochester schools. Smartboards, laptops, tablets, robots, cameras, 3D printers, and more mean students learn to create with technology, rather than to consume it. Foundational skills are enhanced with technology, and students learn skills that will enable them to excel in future educational and professional contexts.
RCLS students love their school. This is evident at athletic events, all-school community events, and, of course, pep rallies, where RCLS students and families cheer on their friends and teams. It's good to be a Bobcat!
Relationships are rich at RCLS, for our relatively small environment means students have the opportunity to develop deep, trusting friendships. A culture that fosters grace and goodness means that students are taught to respect each other and to work through their differences. RCLS recognizes that the value of growing up with faithful friends cannot be underestimated, so we gratefully partner with parents to raise the best kids in Rochester!
There is something for everyone at RCLS! Choir, band, handbells, drama, athletic teams, and academic and exploratory club options make up the co-curricular and extracurricular options available to students. Few graduate from RCLS not having tried "something new." For the value that athletics, the arts, and new experiences add to a childhood, we encourage extracurricular involvement. Ultimately, we hope to give each student the opportunity to develop a sense for his/her interests and giftedness. We see this sense accompany youth into high school, where RCLS students excel as leaders and confident participants in opportunities in that learning environment.
We are a blessed school, in large part, because we enjoy a high level of parent involvement. Parents regularly express gratitude for the community of remarkable families at RCLS. These parents and that community are much of what makes RCLS "more than a school." We love our parents!
At the center of whom we are and what we are about is Jesus. Christ is at the core of our curriculum and in the hearts and on the minds of teachers and students. You can't miss Jesus here, for grace and goodness abound!