Meet-the-Teacher Night: This kick-off event is typically the week before the school year begins. Students are encouraged to bring their school supplies, settle into their lockers and desks, and meet their teachers. An ice-cream social is held at the end of the evening and is particularly intended to welcome new families and to give them a chance to meet others in the school family.
Back-to-School Night: During the second week of school, parents are invited for a school year kick-off with staff and faculty. Campus actions and goals are shared briefly and parents then visit classrooms to learn specifics regarding curriculum, expectations, class trip, and more. Childcare is provided.
VIP Day: Very Important Person(s) are special friends over the age of 18. Parents, grandparents, other relatives, or other friends are welcomed to RCLS to attend school with a student in mid April on a Friday. Traditionally, school is dismissed at noon on VIP Day.
Fall Play: The theater department produces a stage play, open for participation to students in grades 3-8, each November. Try-outs are held in early September and practices are held after school until the production.
Christmas Program & Advent Concert: PS-grade 4 students have a Christmas program, typically about the first Friday of December. Grade 5-8 students have an Advent concert, which is typically held the following Friday.
National Lutheran Schools Week: Each year, Lutheran schools throughout the nation celebrate with a themed, week-long celebration of activities during the last week of January. Details of the celebration will be communicated in the Pawprint and classroom newsletters prior to the event.
RCLS Basketball Tournament: This annual tournament is held at the school each February. RCLS hosts local 7th/8th grade boys' and girls' teams, with a championship and consolation bracket for each.
Spring Musical: Students in grades K-8 are invited to participate in all aspects of producing a musical. Try-outs are held in January and regular practices are held after school until the production, typically in March the week before Spring Break.
Winona Track & Field Day: Students in grades 3-8 are transported on school buses to this annual athletic event in mid-May. Parents are encouraged and welcomed to attend.
RCLS Field Day: This all-school (PS-8) celebration is held on a Friday in the last weeks of the school year.