... from the School Principal
Founded in 1875, Rochester Central Lutheran School (RCLS) is an independent school that serves students from Preschool – Grade 8 in Rochester, MN. It is a joy to be part of a Christian school! When a school is able to recognize God as central to everything in our lives, the school community becomes the blessing it was designed to be. The Christian school is able to partner with parents as they approach instruction, conflict resolution, discipline, and daily life from a biblical perspective.
Our families join with hundreds of thousands of other families, who, across the country, have chosen a private education for the foundational years of their child's education. Here at RCLS, nearly 400 students and their families have found what they were seeking in an educational environment:
Safety: RCLS offers a physically safe environment and, importantly, a culturally safe environment that encourages students to ask questions and that teaches students how to work through differences. This is a community environment that provides a sense of belonging and respect for all.
Quality Teachers: Strong relationships between the staff and the students allow each student to take risks, knowing they will be supported, as they discover the gifts that they possess and develop these gifts to the best of their ability. Certified teachers are committed to shaping a firm academic and spiritual foundation, and they offer a personalized educational experience through their dedication to educating the whole child: body, mind, and soul.
Academic Excellence: With an effective blend of traditional methods and cutting-edge academic programs, we strive to achieve academic excellence while meeting the needs of all students in a small classroom setting. From learning letters and numbers in preschool to learning to read, write, and understand mathematics in the elementary years to applying these skills to develop deep knowledge in the middle school, RCLS prepares students to thrive as they move onto high school.
Spiritual and Character Development: RCLS faculty and staff have the awesome responsibility of partnering with parents and churches to instruct our students in the Christian faith and lead them into lives of discipleship and service. Morning meetings, daily religion classes, prayer, and weekly all-school worship at Chapel contribute to the students’ spiritual development. Service projects within our community, our country, and around the world help our students recognize God’s call to serve Him by serving others. RCLS students become Christian leaders who truly understand what it means to “go forth and serve.”
You’ll find grace, faith, and learning for life here, and if you visit during the school day, you can’t miss the palpable sense of security and joy that creates. We know that foundation matters for life and learning, and we're honored to partner with you in establishing a foundation of faith, friendship, and learning for your child. We welcome the opportunity to help you explore your place in this exciting Christian learning community in Rochester.
Christ’s peace,
Matthew Meier
Grounded in Grace, Formed in Faith, Committed to Learning for Life