School-age Care: Clubhouse, Post & Summer Care
RCLS's school-age care program, Clubhouse is available to Preschool-Grade 2 students before (6:30-8:00am) and after school (3:30-6:00pm) and on non-school weekdays (6:30am-6:00pm).
Post is RCLS's school-age care for students in grades 3-8. It is conducted as a homework academy with age-appropriate free-time activities available after homework is done. Hours are 6:30-8:00am and 3:30-5pm. Students still needing supervision after 5pm will be checked into Clubhouse to await parent pick-up.
Students in grades 3-8 needing care on non-school days are invited to join Clubhouse students and staff for supervised games and structured and unstructured creative/play time.
RCLS School Age Care (Clubhouse) provides developmentally appropriate activities and offers time for children to make many of their own activity choices. Some of these activities include:
- Manipulative toys
- Art/Media
- Religious Concepts
- Science Concepts
- Building/Lego Center
- Indoor/Outdoor play
Days & Hours of Operation
School-day Care and
Non-school & Inclement Weather Days:
Mornings: before 7am a flat fee of $8 after 7am a flat fee of $5
Afternoons: $6/hour (billed in half-hour segments)
Non-School Days: a flat fee of $40 for a full day, and a flat fee of $24 for a half day (classified as anything less then 4 hours)
Parents are invoiced by email once/month during the school year.
Parents may register their child for Clubhouse care when registration for school-year activities opens in early August (typically the second week).
Parents may also register at any time during the school year by contacting the Clubhouse Director, Mr. William Bradseth, at Registration is available here on the RCLS website.
A non-refundable Clubhouse family registration fee($35) is required prior to child's participation in the Clubhouse program.
Students attending Post are provided a snack from 3-3:15 pm. Students are given opportunities to complete homework and to read silently for a minimum of 30 minutes in a quiet, supervised environment. Assistance with homework assignments will be available. Students that have completed their homework and have read silently for 30 minutes may play board games and utilize electronic devices such as Chromebooks and iPads. Although Post instructor will provide suggestions, when a student finishes her/his homework (or if a student does not have any homework on a given day) and has completed the reading requirement, the student is responsible for engaging in a quiet activity that is not disruptive to others.
Days & Hours of Operation
School-day Care and
Non-school & Inclement Weather Days:
Mornings: before 7am a flat fee of $8 after 7am a flat fee of $5
Afternoons: $6/hour (billed in half-hour segments)
Non-School Days: a flat fee of $40 for a full day, and a flat fee of $24 for a half day (classified as anything less then 4 hours)
Parents are invoiced by email once/month during the school year.
Family statements will be issued once a month during the school year. Payments must be made within 10 business days. A $10.00 fee will be assessed to accounts that become more than 30 days past due. An account more than 90 days past due will result in termination from the program.
Parents may register their child for the Post program beginning in early August (typically the second week of August, when all activities open for registration). Parents may also register at any time during the school year. Registration is available here on the RCLS web site. A non-refundable registration fee ($35) is required prior to child's participation in the Post program. Questions? Contact Post instructor, Mr. Paul Wickre.
Clubhouse & Post Calendar
Camp RCLS Calendar
Note: Clubhouse is open on most non-school days for Clubhouse & Post students, grades PS-5. Additional registration for the Clubhouse program is not required, but a reservation must be made here.
No School Reservations
* Required
RCLS Clubhouse Summer Camp
Camp RCLS is a fun, Christian camp environment led by trained and nurturing staff for children entering preschool through grade 5. An inspiring summer is in store with theme-based activities and special interest days!
Dates: June 2-August 15, 2025
*Camp RCLS is closed on June 19, July 4 and August 18-25.
*Camp registration is open to RCLS families only Feb 5-19.
Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30AM-6:00PM.
Daily Activities
- Arts & Crafts
- Outdoor Play
- Group Games
- Gym
- Field Trips
- Science & Food Fun
- Daily Devotions
- Reading Time
RCLS Clubhouse Summer Camp Handbook
- Clubhouse Summer Camp Overview
- Days and Hours of Operation
- Fees, Registration, and Tuition Policy
- General Guidelines
- Staff-in-Training Information
- Attendance, Arrival, and Release Policies
- Meals and Snacks
- Illness Policies, Medications, and Allergies
- Field Trips
- Special Camp Days
- Procedures for Behavior Issues
- Reporting Policy for Programs Providing Services to Children
Clubhouse Summer Camp Overview
Camp RCLS is located on the campus of Rochester Central Lutheran School. It is an exciting Christian camp for children needing care during summer. Camp RCLS is available to any students in Rochester and the surrounding communities entering Preschool (3yrs) -5th grade. (Note: students must be potty-trained before attending Summer Camp.)
Students entering grades 6-10 are eligible to apply for our Staff-In-Training program. See below.
Developmentally Appropriate Activities allow children to make many of their own activity choices, some of which include:
- Arts & Crafts
- Learning Activities
- Free Play
- Religious Concepts/Devotion
- Camp Songs
- Gym Games
- Outdoor Activities
- Field Games
- Weekly Water Activities
Field Trips will be listed on monthly calendars and are group-specific. Every group will have many field trip opportunities each month. A detailed field trip handout will be available in May. There will be a charge for each field trip.
Clubhouse Summer Camp shirts will be distributed to each camper during the first week of camp. Camp shirts must be worn on all field trips.
Days and Hours of Operation
Fees, Registration, and Tuition Policy
Registration for summer camp will open for current RCLS families in early February.
Information regarding Clubhouse Summer Camp can be obtained by either visiting or calling the Clubhouse program at Rochester Central Lutheran School 289-3267.
To complete the registration process, the following must be submitted:
- Non-refundable summer registration fee
- Student registration form
Tuition Policy
Parents will be required at the time of enrollment to estimate the number of days per week that their children will be attending Camp. Parents will then have the option of submitting schedules either on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Monthly Schedule: Parents will complete a monthly calendar listing the days their child will attend. These calendars must be submitted no later than the Thursday prior to the start of the month.
- Weekly Schedule: Parents must submit a weekly calendar no later than the Thursday prior to the start of the next week. Days may be added upon space availability.
Payments: A statement will be e-mailed every two weeks or may be printed off upon request.
Delinquent Accounts: Care will be suspended if accounts become delinquent beyond 30 days. Care will resume when the account is brought to a zero balance. In case of a personal or financial emergency, please contact the Director to make arrangements.
General Guidelines
Students: Clubhouse Summer Camp is open to students age 3-Grade 5. Students must be potty-trained before attending Clubhouse Camp.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen is provided. If you wish to have your child bring their own, please provide a labeled bottle.
Clothing/Dress: Children need to dress appropriately for indoor and outdoor activities. Girls are asked to wear shorts under their dresses/skirts. Comfortable shoes are a must on field trip days, so an extra pair of tennis shoes would be helpful. For their lockers, please send change of clothes and a labeled backpack, which will be used to send home notes, lunch boxes, projects, and swim wear.
RCLS Clubhouse will not assume responsibility for damage or loss to any items brought from home. All personal property not claimed at the end of summer will be discarded. Please label all items that are brought to the program.
Camper Responsibilities: Campers are expected to respect their fellow campers, the Camp staff, and the property and materials at RCLS Clubhouse. Campers will respect the staff by listening to them, notifying them of their needs, and notifying them if they need to leave the room or activity area. Campers must show respect for their peers by not willfully harming them and using only language that is acceptable, and not profane.
Parents Responsibilities: Parents are asked to observe the rules and policies of Camp RCLS. They are asked to stay current with the calendar, sign their children in and out of the Camp program daily. Parents are asked to notify Camp if their child will not be attending on a scheduled day, and also to inform staff if their child has been exposed to, or has contracted any contagious disease. If they feel their child’s needs are not being met, parents are asked to share concerns with Camp staff or the Director, listen to any concerns that staff may have, and work with them toward a solution. Parents are also asked to keep their child’s file information updated when changes occur, and to pay tuition and submit schedules on time.
Camp RCLS Responsibilities: It is the goal of Camp RCLS to provide a stimulating, caring, Christian environment that meets the developmental needs of all the children enrolled. The Camp staff will use positive guidance to: a) help children to play cooperatively with others; b) teach children to behave in an agreeable manner; c) help children to learn self-control. They will maintain open communication with parents. In cases of emergency, or if a child is experiencing any difficulties with the program, parents will be contacted. Parents will be notified of any changes in Camp policies, procedures, or schedules. The staff will keep parents informed of events by means of a calendar, newsletter, and daily schedule. The staff must report suspected cases of child abuse as required by MN Law.
Camp Groups: The campers will be divided into age-specific groups that will have one primary leader.
Red-entering Preschool-PreK;
Green- entering K
Blue- entering grade 1
Yellow- entering grade 2
Orange- entering grade 3
Purple-entering grades 4-5
Staff-in-Training Information
Each year we look for Campers who want to help out and gain leadership experience while getting to do all the fun activities of Summer Camp. This opportunity is open to those entering grade 6. Staff-in-Training campers assist teachers with daily tasks and also have opportunities to play games, go on field trips, and participate in different summer activities. Staff-in-Training campers will be assigned to classrooms or different areas of need. These tasks can include things such as:
-Assisting in the classroom
-Getting snacks prepped
-Cleaning up after snack/lunch
-Helping set up for field games, water day, or field trips
To become a Staff-in-Training camper, register using the Camp RCLS registration.
Registration Fee: $150
Registration fee includes all snacks and field trips for the summer.
Attendance, Arrival, and Release Policies
Attendance Policy
Please notify staff if you intend to pick up a child at a time different than the one scheduled or if someone other than you will be picking them up.
Drop-in care may be available to children only if they: 1) are registered 2) there is available room. Please call Camp to guarantee availability. Drop-in care will not be permitted on field trip days.
Field Trip Attendance: Children who are scheduled to attend on field trip days are expected to participate in the field trips. You will be charged per field trip attended. If your child is scheduled to come to Clubhouse Summer Camp on a field trip day but does not attend, you will be charged for the field trip unless the Camp staff is notified one day in advance (Tuesday).
Students MUST wear their Clubhouse Summer Camp t-shirts on all field trips, including swimming.
Absenteeism: Attendance is taken daily, and a missing child is a cause for concern. If your child will not be attending on a day which they are scheduled, please notify the staff in writing or by telephone.
Withdrawal Notification: If you are withdrawing your children from Camp for any period of time, a two-week notice must be submitted to the director in writing.
Arrival and Release Policy
Arrivals: Parents and children may not enter the program prior to 6:30am. No child is to be left at Camp without an adult staff person present to supervise. Do not send any children into RCLS unless accompanied by an adult.
Signing Children In and Out: Attendance sheets will be located on the Parent Information Table. All children must be signed in and out by an adult.
Release of Children: Upon registering, the name of persons authorized to pick up your children must be given. Children will not be released to anyone whose name does not appear on that list unless the staff has been notified of the pick-up in writing. Persons not recognized by staff will be asked to present identification. If an unauthorized person attempts to pick up a child, the parent will be called. If the parent cannot be reached, the alternate adult on the Emergency Card will be contacted and the child will then be held at Camp until the proper person arrives.
Meals and Snacks
Snacks: A snack and 1% milk will be offered to the children in the morning. In the afternoon, children will be offered a snack and beverage. Water will be available throughout the day.
Lunches: Children will need to bring lunches from home. Lunches will be stored in refrigerators, and items heated up by staff in microwaves. Drinks will be made available during lunch.
Field trips: On days with scheduled field trips or picnics, children must bring a cold lunch and a beverage (which on field trip days can be pop). Please send lunches in disposable containers in a disposable plastic bag (Gallon baggies work best). Please label disposable bags with your child's name. Do not send non-disposable containers.
Allergies: The staff must be given pertinent information by parents whose children have allergies or modified / therapeutic diet needs. If a rigid diet is required, foods must be supplied from home.
Illness Policies, Medications, and Allergies
Children who are feeling ill should not be brought to Camp. To prevent exposure of illnesses to other children, your child must be symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning to Camp. Any child who has a fever greater than 100 degrees F., has eye discharge, or has become sick, will be sent home immediately.
Medications: If it is necessary for children to take any type of medication during Camp hours a parent /guardian must fill out a Medication Form. This form, along with the medication in its original container listing the prescription name and dosages, must be given to the director or a staff person. If non-prescription medication is to be administered, a Non-prescription Form must be filled out and given to the staff. Non-prescription medication would be medication such as cough drops or aspirin, and may not be kept by the children. The staff at Camp is not allowed to dispense any medication without written approval (forms) from a parent/guardian.
Allergies: Please make the camp staff aware of any allergies that your child has, as well as any medications or accommodations that would be needed.
Field Trips
Field trips are an opportunity for the kids to experience some new and fun things this summer. Field trips will take place mainly one day a week. Field trips provide educational opportunities such as museums, zoos, and nature-related trips. We will also have a chance to visit local pools and water parks this summer!
Special Camp Days
Water Days & Pool Days: Please send your student in their swimming suit with clothes over them. Because of bathroom needs, girls are asked to wear 2 pieces. Camp shirts will be worn over the top at all times. Upon the end of water day, students will be asked to change into regular clothes. Please send a plastic bag for wet suits. Students’ towels will be hung on the front play yard fence. It is the parents'/students' responsibility to take their towels home at the end of the day.
Movie Days: In the afternoon, a movie will be shown on a large screen. Popcorn will generally be served as a snack.
Other Days: Throughout camp, there may be group-specific days. Parents will be notified in advance of these days.
Drop-off and pick-up: Parents will be asked to buzz in with their children in the mornings. Parents are asked to use the buzzer to enter the school during the day or to pick up.
Procedures for Behavior Issues
- Camp staff will talk to the child about the problem behavior, explaining the reasons why the behavior is inappropriate.
- Camp staff will notify the parent either verbally or with a behavior slip.
- Director will meet with the child.
- Director will confer with the parent, and the child will be sent home for the day.
- Director and parent(s) will meet to determine if the child needs to be removed from the program.
RCLS Clubhouse Summer Camp Responsibilities
It is the goal of Clubhouse Summer Camp to provide a stimulating, caring, Christian environment that meets the developmental needs of all the children enrolled. The Camp staff will use positive guidance to
a) help children to play cooperatively with others
b) teach children to behave in an agreeable manner
c) help children to learn self-control.
Staff will maintain open communication with parents. In cases of emergency or if a child is experiencing difficulties within the program, parents will be contacted. Parents will be notified of any changes in Camp policies, procedures, or schedules. The staff must report suspected cases of child abuse as required by MN Law.
Reporting Policy for Programs Providing Services to Children
Who should report child abuse and neglect?
- Any person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect.
- If you work with children in a licensed facility is legally required or mandated to report and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to your supervisor or to anyone else at the licensed facility. If you know or have reason to believe a child is being or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused within the preceding three years you must immediately (within 24 hours) make a report to an outside agency.
Where to report
- If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, call 911.
- All reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring in a licensed facility should be made to the Dept. of Human Services, Licensing Division’s Maltreatment Intake line at (651) 297-4123.
- Reports regarding incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring within a family or in the community should be made to the local county social services agency at (507) 285-7009, or local law enforcement at (507) 285-8580.
- If you report does not involve possible abuse or neglect, but does involve possible violations of MN Statutes or Rules that govern the facility, you should call the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division at (651) 296-3971.
What to report
- Definitions of maltreatment are contained in the Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act (MN Statutes, section 626.556) and should be attached to this policy.
- A report to any of the above agencies should contain enough information to identify the child involved, any persons responsible for the abuse or neglect (if known), and the nature and extent of the maltreatment and/or possible licensing violations. For reports concerning suspected abuse and/or neglect occurring within a licensed facility, the reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect occurring within a licensed facility, the report should include any actions taken by the facility in response to the incident.
- An oral report of suspected abuse or neglect made to one of the above agencies by a mandated reporter must be followed by a written report to the same agency within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays.
Retaliation Prohibited - An employer of any mandated reporter shall not retaliate against the mandated reporter for reports made in good faith or against a child with respect to whom the report is made. The Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act contains specific provisions regarding civil actions that can be initiated by mandated reporters who believe that retaliation has occurred.
Failure to report - A mandated reporter who knows or has reason to believe a child is or has been neglected or physically or sexually abuse and fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition, a mandated reporter who fails to report maltreatment that is found to be serious or recurring maltreatment may be disqualified from employment in positions allowing direct contact with persons receiving services from programs licensed by the Department of Human Services, and by the MN Department of Health, and unlicensed Personal Care Provider Organizations.
These reporting policies and procedures must be provided to parents of all children at the time of enrollment in the child care program and must be made available upon request. The Division of Licensing recommends that parents with children currently enrolled in your child care program are informed of the development of the reporting policies and procedures, and provided with an opportunity to request the information.
Clubhouse Parent Handbook
- Registration and Fees
- Emergency Closings
- Policies and Guidelines
- Responsibilities and Expectations
- Responsibility to Report Suspected Child Abuse
- Clubhouse Summer Camp Helpers
Registration and Fees
Parents may register their child for school-year care beginning in August. Registration will be offered online. Parents may also register at any time during the school year by contacting the Director.
A registration form must be completed, signed, and submitted prior to your child’s participation in the School Age Care program.
$35 registration fee
$6/hour, billed in half-hour segments
Emergency Closings
In the event that school is closed because of inclement weather or a utility emergency the following procedures will be implemented:
- When RCLS is closed for the entire day, Clubhouse will be available from 8 am – 5 pm for students Preschool-Grade 5.
- When RCLS opens late, Clubhouse will open at 8 am (and close at 6pm-the usual time).
- When RCLS dismisses early, Clubhouse and Post will not be available.
- If the Governor closes all MN schools, Clubhouse and Post will also be closed.
- If RCLS is closed due to utilities problems, Clubhouse and Post will also be closed.
Policies and Guidelines
- Submitting Schedules
- Withdrawal Notification
- Clothing/Dress
- Personal Property
- Medications
- Attendance Information
- Meals, Snacks and Allergies
Submitting Schedules
A monthly calendar schedule must be submitted no later than 6:00 pm on the Thursday evening prior to the month care is needed. Changes can be made by re-submitting a scheduling form or calling Stepping Stones. If your child is involved in extra-curricular activities please indicate that on the calendar to avoid being charged for those times. Schedule calendars are available at the parent table.
Withdrawal Notification
Children are asked to dress appropriately for outside activities. During cold weather months they need coats, boots, snow pants, hats and mittens. Flip flops are not recommended. Shorts must be worn under dresses. Children must also adhere to the RCLS school dress code as printed in the RCLS Parent Handbook. Kindergarten children are encouraged to keep an extra set of clothing in their backpacks for any accidents that may occur.
Personal Property
During the school year all personal property including coats, bags, lunch bags, boots, etc. must be taken home at the end of each day. Items left behind will be placed in Lost and Found. Please label all items including coats, boots and backpacks. No cell phones, ipads, or ipods are allowed at SAC. The RCLS SAC program will not assume the responsibility for loss or damage to any items brought from home.
Prescription Medication: If it is necessary for children to take any type of medication during the hours they are attending SAC, a parent /guardian must complete a Prescription Medication Form. This form along with the medication in its original container listing the prescription and dosage must be given to the director or a staff person.
Non-Prescription Medication: If a non-prescription medication is to be administered, a Non-prescription Form must be completed and given to the staff. Non-prescription medication would include cough drops or aspirin.
Attendance Information
Absent Child: An absent child is a cause for concern. Please notify the SAC program if your child will not be attending Stepping Stones on a scheduled day.
Signing In and Out: Parents and children are asked not to enter the program prior to 6:30 am. No child is to be left at Stepping Stones without an adult staff person present to supervise. Upon both arrival and departure parents must sign their children in and/or out on the attendance sheet located on the Parent Information Table. Children will be signed in and out by staff when going to or coming from class. Children must not arrive at SAC unaccompanied.
Transportation: Parents are responsible for their child’s transportation to and from the program. If a child is being transported other than by a parent or guardian (i.e. bus, sitter) staff should be notified and an Arrival Departure form completed including names, numbers or bus numbers.
Release of Children: Upon registering the name of those authorized to pick up your child must be given. Unless notified in advance by a parent, children will not be released to anyone whose name does not appear on the list. Any person who is picking up a child and is not recognized by the staff will be asked to present identification to verify their name is listed on the Authorized Pick-up List. If a person not on the list attempts to pick up a child the parent will be called. If the parent cannot be reached the alternate on the Emergency Card will be contacted. The child will then be held at SAC until the proper person arrives to get him/her. If a parent or other person is legally unauthorized to have contact with a child, legal documentation must be submitted to the director.
Sick Children: Children attending the SAC program are expected to participate in all activities including gym and outdoor time. Children who are feeling ill should not be brought to the program. Bringing a sick child may result in further inconvenience to the parent who has to return to pick him/her up and also exposes other children to the illness. Children need to be symptom and fever free for 24 hours before returning to SAC. Any child who has a fever greater than 100 degrees F., unexplained rash, eye or ear discharge, or has become ill will be sent home immediately.
Meals, Snacks and Allergies
Snacks: A snack and beverage will be given to all children attending the after school session. Water is available in the SAC room and children may also use the drinking fountains in the hallways.
Non-School Days: A snack and juice will be offered in the mornings. Because the cafeteria will be closed children will need to bring a lunch from home. Microwaves are on site so lunches can be heated by staff. A drink will be made available for lunch. A snack and beverage will also be offered in the afternoon.
Allergies: Staff must be given pertinent information by parents whose children have any allergies or modified/therapeutic diet needs. If a rigid diet is required foods must be supplied from home.
Responsibilities and Expectations
- Student Responsibilities
- Parent Responsibilities
- Program and Staff Responsibilities
- Procedures for Behavior Difficulties
- Dismissal from Program
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to respect other children, staff and the property of the RCLS Stepping Stones program. Students must respect the staff by listening to them and notifying them of their needs and if they need to leave the room or activity area. Students must show respect for their peers by not willfully harming them and using only language that is acceptable and not profane.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are asked to observe the rules and policies of SAC. They are asked to stay current with the calendar and to sign their children in and/or out of the program daily. Parents are asked to notify SAC if their child will not be attending on a scheduled day and also to inform staff if their child has been exposed to or has contracted any contagious disease. If they feel their child’s needs are not being met parents are asked to share concerns with the staff or the Director; listen to any concerns that staff may have and work with them toward a solution. Parents are also asked to update their child’s file when changes occur and to pay tuition and submit schedules on time.
Program and Staff Responsibilities
It is the goal of the RCLS Stepping Stones SAC Program to provide a stimulating, caring, Christian environment that meets the developmental needs of the children enrolled. The staff will use positive guidance to: a) help children to play cooperatively with others; b) teach children to behave in an agreeable manner; c) help children to learn self-control. They will maintain open communication with parents. In cases of emergency or if a child is experiencing any difficulties with the program parents will be contacted. Parents will be notified of any changes in SAC policies, procedures or schedules. Parents will be informed of events by means of a calendar, newsletter or daily schedule. The staff must report suspected cases of child abuse as required by MN Law.
Procedures for Behavior Difficulties
Staff will talk to the child about the problem behavior, explaining why it is inappropriate. Time-outs may be given and the child may be removed from some activities. Upon continuance of the behavior a staff person will speak directly to the parent. Upon further continuation the director will hold a meeting with the child and parents to determine if the child needs to be removed from the program.
Dismissal from Program
If a child is experiencing difficulty in the program the director will speak with the parent/guardian. A conference with the director and principal may be scheduled upon request. The needs of the child will be discussed and action plans created. Children who experience continual difficulty in adapting to the program may be asked to withdraw. Children who display aggressive, disruptive or threatening behavior toward others may also be asked to withdraw. For the good of all the children we reserve the right to disallow service at anytime.
Responsibility to Report Suspected Child Abuse
RCLS Preschool acts in accordance with MN State Law which states that physicians, teachers, health care professionals, law enforcement officers, and people who work professionally with children are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect cases immediately. By law, RCLS Preschool staff members are required to report suspected physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect to the local Children's Protection Agency, Police Department, or County Sheriff. Staff must immediately report suspected cases committed by a parent, guardian, or other people responsible for the child's care. A report must also be made to Children's Protection Service if a professional has knowledge of, or reason to believe that a pregnant woman has used a controlled substance for non-medical purposes. The confidentiality of involved children and parents will be respected. RCLS Stepping Stones personnel are trained in detecting child abuse and neglect with emphasis on the recognition of physical and behavioral indicators, documentation of observations, and reporting procedures.
Who Should Report Child Abuse and Neglect?
- Any person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect.
- If you work with children in a licensed facility, you are legally required or mandated to report and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to your supervisor or to anyone else at your licensed facility.
- If you know or have reason to believe a child is being or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused within the preceding three years you must immediately (within 24 hours) make a report to an outside agency.
Where to Report
- If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger call 911.
- All reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring in a licensed facility should be made to the Dept. of Human Services, Licensing Division's Maltreatment Intake line at 651-297-4123.
- Reports regarding incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring within a family or in the community should be made to the local county social services agency at 507-285-7009 or local law enforcement at 507-285-8580.
- If your report does not involve possible abuse or neglect, but does involve possible violations of MN Statutes or Rules that govern the facility, you should call the Dept. of Human Services, Licensing Division at 651-296-3971.
What to Report
- Definitions of maltreatment are contained in the Reporting of maltreatment of Minors Act (MN Statutes, section 626.556) and should be attached to this policy.
- A report to any of the above agencies should contain enough information to identify the child involved, any persons responsible for the abuse or neglect (if known), and the nature and extent of the maltreatment and/or possible licensing violations. For reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect occurring within a licensed facility, the report should include any actions taken by the facility in response to the incident.
- An oral report of suspected abuse or neglect made to one of the above agencies by a mandated reporter must be followed by a written report to the same agency within 72 hours exclusive of weekends and holidays.
Retaliation Prohibited: An employer of any mandated reporter shall not retaliate against the mandated reporter for reports made in good faith or against a child with respect to whom the report is made. The Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act contains specific provisions regarding civil actions that can be initiated by mandated reporters who believe that retaliation has occurred.
Failure to Report: A mandated reporter who knows or has reasons to believe a child is or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused and fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition, a mandated reporter who fails to report maltreatment that is found to be serious or recurring maltreatment may be disqualified from employment in positions allowing direct contact with persons receiving services from programs licensed by the Dept. of Human Services and by the MN Dept. of Health and unlicensed Personal Care Provider Organizations.
Clubhouse Summer Camp Helpers