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Rochester Central Lutheran School


School-age Care: Clubhouse, Post & Summer Care


RCLS's school-age care program, Clubhouse is available to Preschool-Grade 2 students before (6:30-8:00am) and after school (3:30-6:00pm) and on non-school weekdays (6:30am-6:00pm). 

Post is RCLS's school-age care for students in grades 3-8. It is conducted as a homework academy with age-appropriate free-time activities available after homework is done. Hours are 6:30-8:00am and 3:30-5pm. Students still needing supervision after 5pm will be checked into Clubhouse to await parent pick-up.

Students in grades 3-8 needing care on non-school days are invited to join Clubhouse students and staff for supervised games and structured and unstructured creative/play time.


Clubhouse and Post Logos

Two girls studying


RCLS School Age Care (Clubhouse) provides developmentally appropriate activities and offers time for children to make many of their own activity choices. Some of these activities include:

  • Manipulative toys
  • Art/Media
  • Religious Concepts
  • Science Concepts
  • Building/Lego Center
  • Indoor/Outdoor play


Students attending Post are provided a snack from 3-3:15 pm. Students are given opportunities to complete homework and to read silently for a minimum of 30 minutes in a quiet, supervised environment. Assistance with homework assignments will be available. Students that have completed their homework and have read silently for 30 minutes may play board games and utilize electronic devices such as Chromebooks and iPads. Although Post instructor will provide suggestions, when a student finishes her/his homework (or if a student does not have any homework on a given day) and has completed the reading requirement, the student is responsible for engaging in a quiet activity that is not disruptive to others.

Note: Clubhouse is open on most non-school days for Clubhouse & Post students, grades PS-5. Additional registration for the Clubhouse program is not required, but a reservation must be made here.

No School Reservations


Non-School-Day Registration PS-5th Grade

This Clubhouse non-school-day registration form is open to RCLS students in Preschool-5th Grade who need supervision/childcare on weekdays when school is not in session (fall break, Christmas break, etc.). 
Student #1 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Student #2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Student #3 Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Namerequired
First Name
Last Name

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

Camp RCLS image

RCLS Clubhouse Summer Camp

Camp RCLS is a fun, Christian camp environment led by trained and nurturing staff for children entering preschool through grade 5. An inspiring summer is in store with theme-based activities and special interest days!

Dates: June 2-August 15, 2025

*Camp RCLS is closed on June 19, July 4 and August 18-25.

*Camp registration is open to RCLS families only Feb 5-19. 

Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30AM-6:00PM.



Daily Activities

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Outdoor Play
  • Group Games
  • Gym
  • Field Trips
  • Science & Food Fun
  • Daily Devotions
  • Reading Time

Students playing outside at Camp RCLS

RCLS Clubhouse Summer Camp Handbook

Clubhouse Parent Handbook
